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2022 ALR Get-Together Schedule

2022 ALR Get-Together Schedule

American Legion Riders from New Hampshire and Massachusetts gathered Thursday night in the last 'Meet and Greet' of 2021. Many Posts were represented, and friends from different motorcycle riders groups laughed and hugged old friends and new. With a live band, food, drink and some desserts provided by our friends at Middleton Riders Chapter 227, everyone had a great time. Then the question arose; which Post will host these great get-togethers in 2022?

Each post wrote their name on a ticket and put them into a bucket. Since the gatherings were once a month, each drawing was for a different month of the year. The results are:

  • Jan - Burlington AL
  • Feb - Sharon AL
  • Mar - Bedford AL
  • April - Manchester AL
  • May - Plaistow AL
  • June - TBD

Gatherings in the second half of 2022 will be decided at one of these events. Thanks again to all who support the American Legion Riders and the Posts they serve.